About Me

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From teacher to parenting coach

My name is Elisabeth Stitt. I am an author, parent educator, certified life coach (Coaches Training Institute) and retired public school teacher, but first and foremost I am a mother and a stepmother. I’ve been through it all: diapers, the terrible twos, crazed teenage years and even saying goodbye as the kids leave home for college. As a teacher for 25 years, I know how little support parents have in today’s society. I support parents through my own extensive experience and expertise because I’ve been there and know how to navigate the difficult world of parenting. Yes, parenting IS hard work, but it can also be a ton of FUN. So let me help you learn the strategies and skills you need to bring harmony and calm to your home.


“Good parenting is the millions of small gestures that we make that make our kids feel safe, secure, and connected.”


The Journey of Parenting

My mission is to help you rely on your core values while at the same time learning effective methods of parenting, so you can learn to love and experience the joy of parenting. You’ll learn parenting techniques grounded by sound child development principles as well as tools from my extensive bag of tricks. No longer worried if “you’re doing this right,” you can put all your energy into forming the warm, close connection you want with your child. Above all, I want you to love the journey of parenting even with all its ups and downs and I strive for you to form those deep bonds with your children, set clear family expectations, and know that you are being your best parenting self. In doing that, you are being the Architect of Your Family.

Ready for the journey to joy?    

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