Harmony at Home Family and Teen Assessment

Harmony at Home Family and Teen Assessment


CONGRATULATIONS! You are a Pro-Active Parent.

Whether you just do the Family Assessment or also invite your tweens and teens to do the Teen Assessment, you are going to really appreciate the deep conversations the assessment sparks.

Life gets so busy. We go from day to day, parenting by the seat of our pants, trusting we are going to be just fine.

And I get that. I even believe in being a Good Enough Parent and not allowing excessive worry to rule our every decision. On the other hand, I also believe in being Pro-Active. I have seen over and over how quickly families go from happy and cooperative with their tweens to tense and disconnected with their teens.

That’s when having clear expectations and vehicles for connection in place becomes so critical.

I want you to have the tools you need, and the Harmony at Home Assessment is one of my favorite tools.

The assessment is 50+ questions in 8 subcategories allowing you to get down to the nitty-gritty and to see where you can shore up your kids now before they get any older.

When you can see what is challenging the harmony you desire in your home, you can then make the steps to get back on track to improve your family dynamic.

SIGN UP TODAY by clicking the button below.

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