S.A.F.E. at School--a 3 Hour Workshop

S.A.F.E. at School--a 3 Hour Workshop


September 30th 9:30-12:30 PACIFIC TIME

You worry about sending your child to school. Every day they face a minefield of potential hurt and failure. You want to protect them, but you can’t go to school with them.

Your tweens and teens don’t want to go to school because

…their best friend humiliated them in the cafeteria

…they’re sure their teacher hates them

…they totally forgot a big project was due today and they need to finish it

…they feel like complete losers, sure that everyone hates them

Your heart bleeds for them, but you don’t know what to do.

Don’t wait for report cards to see how your child is doing. Instead, do regular check in’s with your kids to ensure that they are S.A.F.E.:





When you build a powerful bridge between a child’s home and school, you communicate your family involvement to your children’s teachers, empower your student’s self-confidence and self-esteem and improve your child’s school performance.

In this 3-hour workshop we will cover

•What teachers expect you to be teaching at home—so you know where to focus your energy

•How to talk so teachers will listen and listen so teachers will talk—so you have the best idea of what is actually happening at school

•How to team effectively with your child’s teacher—so your teacher has an eye out for your kids

•How to have your children owning their learning 100% by engaging them as critical thinkers—so they stay motivated about school

When you know you are doing everything you can at home to create a bridge between home and school, you will send your children off confident that you have armed them well, so they can take full advantage of their school experience.

BONUS: This workshop comes with a 15-minute coaching session before the class so you can tell me about your greatest concerns. That way I’ll be able to thread solutions into my teaching.

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Why with Elisabeth Stitt?

In twenty-five years of teaching, I taught Kindergarteners through 12th Graders (but most of my years were spent during the challenging middle school years).  Close to 3000 student contacts later, I have a sample size that is bigger than most scientific studies.  That really means I have seen it all.  All kinds of kids, all kinds of families., and all kinds of teachers.

My own kids are grown and flown, happy young adults pursuing meaningful careers. During their school years I learned to straddle my role as parent and my empathy for teachers, over time learning what could I ask of my children’s teachers and what was on me to orchestrate at home.

Each of my children brought their own unique challenges when it came to schooling, and the Building the Bridge concepts are the ones that worked for each of those situations.

Can’t wait to see you in class!